Academic Courses | Supervision of PhD & Master theses

Teaching philosophy & portfolio

Academic Courses


– ‘Discourse & Cognition’, MA, Dept. of Linguistics, School of International Studies, Zhejiang University, China, spring 2017, 2018, summer 2019, fall 2020, and Institute of Linguistics, Shanghai International Studies University, fall 2022 & 2023. [Syllabus]

– ‘Spanish Language, Culture, and Mind’, MA, Dept. of Linguistics, School of International Studies, Zhejiang University, China, winter 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, and 2020. [Syllabus]

–  ‘Lexicografía del español’ [Lexicography of Spanish], BA, 3rd year, Dept. of Spanish Language and Culture, School of International Studies, Zhejiang University, China, spring & summer 2019, fall & winter 2020. [Syllabus]

– ‘Discurso y debate en español’ [Spanish Speech and Debate], BA, 4rth year, Dept. of Spanish Language & Culture,  and Culture, School of International Studies, Zhejiang University, China, fall & winter 2021. [Syllabus]

–  ‘Asignatura práctica de español auditivo y oral I’ [Training Course of Audio and Oral Spanish I], BA, Dept. of Spanish Language and Culture, School of International Studies, Zhejiang University, China, spring & summer 2017 and 2018. [Syllabus]

– ‘Asignatura práctica de español auditivo y oral II’ [Training Course of Audio and Oral Spanish II], BA, Dept. of Spanish Language and Culture, School of International Studies, Zhejiang University, China, fall & winter 2017 and 2018. [Syllabus]

– ‘Asignatura práctica de español auditivo y oral III’ [Training Course of Audio and Oral Spanish III], BA, Dept. of Spanish Language and Culture, School of International Studies, Zhejiang University, China, spring & summer 2017, 2018, 2019, and 2021. [Syllabus]

Previous ones (selection):

– ‘Interacción Fictiva: Teoría y aplicaciones’ [Fictive Interaction: Theory and Applications], MA and PhD, Federal University of Juiz de Fora (UFJF), Brazil, Feb 2015. [Syllabus]

– ‘Tekst in professionele communicatie: tekst en cognitie’ [Discourse in Professional Communication: Discourse and Cognition], University of Groningen, the Netherlands, MA course, 2009-2014. [Syllabus]

– ‘Mental Spaces and Blending in Language for Specific Purposes’, PhD course, LOT Winter School, University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands, Jan 2011. [Syllabus]

– ‘Language, Communication and Culture: Cultural Metaphors’,  University of Groningen, the Netherlands, MA course, 2009-2010. [Syllabus]

– ‘Interculturele communicatie’ [Intercultural Communication], University of Groningen, the Netherlands, BA thesis group, 2009-2010. [Syllabus]

– ‘Tekstanalyse II: tekst en cognitie’ [Discourse Analysis II: Discourse and Cognition], University of Groningen, the Netherlands, BA course, 2009-2010. [Syllabus]

– ‘Applied semantics’, MPhil Linguistics , VU University Amsterdam, Amsterdam, 2006-2009. [Syllabus]

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Supervision of PhD theses (completed)

– Xie, F. Functional Echolalia and Verbal formulae in the Speech of Mandarin-speaking Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: Two elicitation studies. Foreign Languages and Literatures, Zhejiang University, China. Defense: 21 May 2022. First advisor. [Text | Appendix]

– Bisotti Dornelas, A. Interação Fictiva como Estratégia Comunicativa de Crianças Ecolálicas com Transtorno do Espectro Autista [Fictive Interaction as Communicative Strategy by Echolaic Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder]. (Co-supervised with Prof. Luiz Fernando Matos Rocha), Federal University of Juiz de Fora, Brazil. Successful PhD defense:  9 March 2018.

–  Xiang, M. A Cognitive Rhetorical Analysis of Fictive Questions in the Zhuangzi Text. (Co-supervised with Prof. Ma Bosen), School of International Studies, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China. Successful PhD defense: 3 March 2018.

Supervision of Master theses 

– Liang, Y. “The Effect of Literacy on The Use of Direct vs. Indirect Speech”. Dept. of Linguistics, School of International Studies, Zhejiang University, China. March 2020.

– Qiu, S. “Syntactic Processing in illiterate speakers: Experimental Evidence from Structural Priming”. Dept. of Linguistics, School of International Studies, Zhejiang University, China. February 2019.

– van Bronkhorst, M. “Citaten en subjectiviteit in journalistieke artikelen” [Quotes and subjectivity in journalistic articles]. Dept. of Language and Communication, University of Groningen. January 2015.

– Hoekstra, W. “Directe rede samenstellingen in gezondheidscommunicatie: De invloed van vorm van de boodschap op anti-tabaksvoorlichting” [Direct speech compounds in health communication: The influence of the form of the message on anti-tobacco campaigns]. Dept. of Language and Communication, University of Groningen, December 2014.

– Buikema, K. “’Ik scoor met melk!’: Een kwalitatief onderzoek naar conceptuele integratie wat betreft leeftijd en geslacht in voedingsadvertenties” [‘I score with milk!’: A qualitative study of conceptual integration in food advertisement targeted at different age and gender groups]. Dept. of Language and Communication, University of  Groningen, November 2014.

– de Vries, R. “Een experimenteel onderzoek naar de communicatieve effectiviteit van directe rede samenstellingen in productadvertenties” [An experimental study of the communicative effectiveness of direct speech compounds in product advertisements]. Dept. of Language and Communication, University of Groningen, September 2014.

– Toren, S. “Iets met Mars en Venus: Een onderzoek naar metafoorgebruik in filmrecensies, bekeken vanuit het genderperspectief” [Something with Mars and Venus: an investigation on metaphor usage in film reviews from a gender perspective]. Dept. of Language and Communication, University of Groningen, May 2011.

– Stec, K. “Simulating Fictive Interaction Modifiers”.  Research Master in Cognitive Semiotics, Aarhus University (Denmark), 2011.

– Ekić, M. “Context as a constraint in political cartoons: A conceptual integration approach”. Communicatie- en Informatiewetenschappen, University of Groningen, 2010.

– Groen, H. “Metaforen: een ideologie weerspiegeld. Over het verband tussen politieke ideologieën en metaforen/metaforische systemen in de verkiezingsprogramma’s van de SGP en GroenLinks” [Metaphors, an ideology reflected: On the link between political ideologies and metaphors/metaphorical systems in the election programs of the SGP and GreenLeft]. Communicatie- en Informatiewetenschappen, University of Groningen, 2010.

– Geerdink, M. “Gillette: the best a woman can get? Een onderzoek naar de conceptualisering van genderverschillen in verzorgingsadvertenties” [Gillette, the best a woman can get? An investigation into the conceptualisation of gender differences in self-care advertisements]. Communicatie- en Informatiewetenschappen, University of Groningen, 2010.

– Plantinga, S. “Medische metaforen: mismatch of magnifieke combinatie? Een analytisch en experimenteel onderzoek naar de werking en het effect van metaforen in medische informatieve teksten” [Medical metaphors, mismatch or magnificent combination? An analytical and experimental study of the effect and effect of metaphors in medical informative texts]. Communicatie- en Informatiewetenschappen, University of Groningen, 2010.

– van Veelen, E. “Interculturele analyse van advertenties over toerismegerelateerde onderwerpen. [Intercultural analysis of advertisements on tourism-related topics]. Communicatie en Informatiewetenschappen. VU University Amsterdam, 2008.

– Barkey, D. “Tekstuele strategieën achterop shampoo- en wasmiddelflesjes” [Textual strategies on the back of shampoo and detergent bottles]. Communicatie en Informatiewetenschappen, VU University Amsterdam, 2008.

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