Databases | Refereed Publications | Non-refereed Publications| Just for fun
Pascual, E. & B. Marqueta. [2020] 2023. Dataset of Spanish Verb+Noun Compounds and Related Constructions. LingBuzz: lingbuzz/005500.
Pascual, E. 2013. Unquoted: Online Database of Non-Quotative Direct Speech. []
Refereed Publications
Pascual, E. & S. Sandler (eds.). 2016. The Conversation Frame: Forms and Functions of Fictive Interaction. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
[Website, with endorsements] [Reviews: Language and Dialogue, 2017; Language and Cognition, 2018; Review of Cognitive Linguistics, 2018] [Korean translation, 2021, Logos-Lime P. Co.]
Pascual, E. 2014. Fictive Interaction: The Conversation Frame in Thought, Language, and Discourse. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
[Website, with endorsements] [Reviews: Cognitive Semiotics, 2015, Cognitive Linguistics, 2015; Lingüística, 2015] [Korean translation, 2020 Logos-Lime Publishing Co.]
International journal papers
Huettig, F., C.C. Voeten, E. Pascual, J. Liang & F. Hintz. 2023. Do autistic children differ in language-mediated prediction? Cognition 239, 105571.
Dąbrowska, E., E. Pascual, B. Macías Gómez-Estern & M. Llompart. 2023. Literacy-related differences in morphological knowledge: A nonce-word study. Frontiers in Psychology (Sec. Language Sciences) 14: 1136337.
Pascual, E. & B. Marqueta. 2023. (2023, 2024). Viewpointed morphology: Spanish verb-complement compounds as fictive interaction constructions. Journal of Linguistics 60: 1-31. [Final draft]
Xie, F., E. Pascual, & T. Oakley. 2023. Functional echolalia in autism speech: Verbal formulae and repeated prior utterances as communicative and cognitive strategies. Frontiers in Psychology (Language Sciences) 14: 1010615.
Xiang, M., E. Pascual & B. Ma. 2022. Who’s speaking for whom? Rhetorical questions as intersubjective mixed viewpoint constructions in an early Daoist text. Journal of Historical Pragmatics 23(1): 29-53. [Final draft]
Dąbrowska, E., E. Pascual & B. Macías Gómez-Estern. 2022. Literacy improves the comprehension of Spanish object relatives. Cognition 224, 104958. [Full Open Access Text]
Jarque, M. J. & E. Pascual (by invitation). 2021. From sign-in-interaction to grammar: Fictive questions for relative clauses in signed languages. Languages and Modalities 1: 81-93.
Hu, Y., Q. Lv, E. Pascual, J. Liang & F. Huettig (by invitation). 2021. Syntactic priming in illiterate and literate elder Chinese adults. In Z. Eviatar & F. Huettig (guest eds.). Special issue ‘Literacy and Writing Systems’. Journal of Cultural Cognitive Science 5(2): 267–286.
Fonseca, P., E. Pascual & T. Oakley. 2020. “Hi, Mr. President!”: Fictive interaction blends as a unifying rhetorical strategy in satire. Review of Cognitive Linguistics 18(1): 183–216. [Final draft]
Sandler, S. & E. Pascual. 2019. (by invitation). In the beginning there was conversation: Fictive speech in the Hebrew Bible. In C. Gentens, M.S. Sansiñena, S. Spronck & A. Van linden (guest eds.). Special issue ‘Irregular Perspective Shifts and Perspective Persistence’. Pragmatics 29(2): 250–276. [Final draft]
Pascual, E. & E. Królak. 2018. The ‘listen to characters thinking’ novel: Fictive interaction as narrative strategy in English literary bestsellers and their Spanish and Polish translations. Review of Cognitive Linguistics 16(2): 399–430. [Final draft]
Pascual, E., A. Dornelas & T. Oakley. 2017. When ‘Goal!’ means ‘soccer’: Verbatim fictive speech as communicative strategy by children with autism and two control groups. Pragmatics & Cognition 24(3): 315–345. [Final draft]
Xiang, M. & E. Pascual. 2016. Debate with Zhuangzi: Expository questions as fictive interaction blends in an old Chinese text. Pragmatics 26(1): 137-162. [Final draft]
Jarque, M.J. & E. Pascual. 2015 (by invitation). Direct discourse expressing evidential values in Catalan Sign Language. In J. Martines & V. Miglio (guest eds.). Special issue on ‘Approaches To Evidentiality in Romance’. eHumanista/IVITRA 8: 421-445.
Pascual, E., E. Królak & Th.A.J.M. Janssen. 2013. Direct speech compounds: Evoking socio-cultural scenarios through fictive interaction. Cognitive Linguistics 24(2): 345-366.
Pascual, E., M. Perkins & S. Sandler. 2013. Editorial: Let the discussion begin. Language Under Discussion 1(1): i-ii.
Pascual, E. 2008. Text for context, trial for trialogue: An enthnographic study of a fictive interaction blend. Annual Review of Cognitive Linguistics 6: 50-82. [Final draft]
Coulson, S. & E. Pascual. 2006. For the sake of argument: Mourning the unborn and reviving the dead through conceptual blending. Annual Review of Cognitive Linguistics 4: 153-181. [Final draft]
Pascual, E. 2006a. Fictive interaction within the sentence: A communicative type of fictivity in grammar. Cognitive Linguistics 17(2): 245-267. [Final draft]
Pascual, E. 2006b. Questions in legal monologues: Fictive interaction as argumentative strategy in a murder trial. Text & Talk 26(3): 383-402.
Pascual, E. 2004 (by invitation). Ph.D. abstract: “Imaginary Trialogues: Conceptual Blending and Fictive Interaction in Criminal Courts” The International Journal of Speech Language and the Law: Forensic Linguistics 11(1): 169-172.
National journal papers
Pascual, E. 2010 (by invitation). El concepto de interacción ficticia en español: de la conversación a la gramática [The concept of ficgtive interaction in Spanish: From conversation to grammar]. Dialogía: Revista de lingüística, literatura y cultura 5: 64-98.
Foolen, A., I. van Alphen, E. Hoekstra, H. Lammers, H. Mazeland & E. Pascual. 2006. Het quotatieve van: Vorm, functie en sociolinguïstische variatie [The quotative van ‘like’: Form, function and socioliguistic variation]. Toegepaste Taalwetenschap in Artikelen 76(2): 137-149. [Final draft]
Pascual, E. 2004. Triadic questions in court: A case study. Semikolon 4(9): 71-92.
Pascual, E. & Th.A.J.M. Janssen. 2004. Zinnen in samenstellingen: presentaties van fictieve verbale interactie [Sentences in compounds: Instances of fictive verbal interaction]. Nederlandse Taalkunde 9(4): 285-310.
Book chapters
Abrantes, A.M. & E. Pascual. 2019 (by invitation). Talk this dance: On the conceptualisation of dance as fictive conversation. In Richard Kemp & Bruce McConachie (eds.). The Routledge Companion to Theatre, Performance, and Cognitive Science. Oxford: Taylor & Francis Group Ltd., 255-263. [Final draft]
Pascual, E. & T. Oakley. 2017, 2021 (by invitation). Fictive interaction. In B. Dancygier (ed.). Cambridge Handbook of Cognitive Linguistics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 347–360. [Final draft]
Oakley, T. & E. Pascual. 2017, 2021 (by invitation). Conceptual Blending Theory. In B. Dancygier (ed.). Cambridge Handbook of Cognitive Linguistics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 423–448. [Final draft]
Jarque, M.J. & E. Pascual. [2016] 2017 (2nd ed.), by invitation. Mixed viewpoints in factive and fictive discourse in Catalan Sign Language narratives. In B. Dancygier, W.-l. Lu & A. Verhagen (eds.). Viewpoint and the Fabric of Meaning: Form and Use of Viewpoint Tools across Languages and Modalities. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton, pp. 259-280. [Uncorrected proofs]
Pascual, E. & S. Sandler. 2016. Fictive interaction and the conversation frame: An overview. In E. Pascual & S. Sandler (eds.). The Conversation Frame: Forms and Functions of Fictive Interaction. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 3–22. [Final draft]
Brandt, L. & E. Pascual. 2016. ‘Say hello to this ad’: The persuasive rhetoric of fictive interaction in marketing. In E. Pascual & S. Sandler (eds.). The Conversation Frame: Forms and Functions of Fictive Interaction. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 303–322. [Final draft]
Dornelas, A., & E. Pascual. 2016. Echolalia as communicative strategy: Fictive interaction in the speech of children with autism. In E. Pascual & S. Sandler (eds.). The Conversation Frame: Forms and Functions of Fictive Interaction. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 343–361. [Final draft]
Pascual, E. [2012] 2016 (2nd ed.), by invitation. Espacios mentales e integración conceptual [Mental spaces and conceptual integration]. In I. Ibarretxe & J. Valenzuela (eds.). Lingüística Cognitiva [Cognitive Linguistics]. Barcelona: Anthropos, 147-166. [Final draft]
[Reviews: Infoling 5.65 2013, Review of Cognitive Linguistics 2014, Études Romanes De Brno 2014]
Pascual, E. 2009. “I was in that room!”: Conceptual integration of content and context in a writer’s vs. a prosecutor’s description of a murder. In V. Evans & S. Pourcel (eds.). New Directions in Cognitive Linguistics. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 499-516. [Final draft]
Pascual, E. 2008. Fictive interaction blends in everyday life and courtroom settings. In A. Hougaard & T. Oakley (eds.). Mental Spaces in Discourse and Interaction. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 79-107. [Final draft]
Book reviews
Pascual, E. 2020, 2021. Todd Oakley, Rhetorical Minds: Meditations on the Cognitive Science of Persuasion, New York and Oxford: Berghahn Books, 2020; x + 318 pp. Discourse Studies 23(1): 110-112. [Final draft]
Liang, Y. & E. Pascual. 2019. Mixed Metaphors: Their Use and Abuse by Karen Sullivan. Metaphor and Symbol 34(2): 139-140.
Xie, F. & E. Pascual. 2018. Letitia R. Naigles (Ed.), Innovative investigations of language in Autism Spectrum Disorder. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association and Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 2017. Pp. 253. ISBN 978-311-040-978-9 (Hb), 311-040-978-X (E-Book). Language and Cognition 10(4): 711–720. doi:10.1017/langcog.2018.2
Non-refereed Publications (selection)
Pascual, E. 2002. Imaginary Trialogues: Conceptual Blending and Fictive Interaction in Criminal Courts. Utrecht: LOT.
[Book notice in: Pragmatics, 13(4): 578-579, 2003 and Infoling: Información global sobre lingüística hispánica [Spanish Linguistics List], April 23, 2007]
National journal papers
Boogaart, R., S. Daalder, J. Noordegraaf & E. Pascual (guest eds.). 2006. Special issue: ‘Tussen semantiek en pragmatiek’ [Between semantics and pragmatics]. Voortgang 24, 218 pp. [Reviewed in: Neder-L: 0609.18, 2006]
Pascual, E. & C. Versluis. 2006. Verbale demonstratie als strategie van functionele adaptatie bij Broca afasie: Een gevalstudie [Verbal demonstration as functional adaptation strategy in Broca’s aphasia: A case study]. Voortgang 24: 169-182.
Book chapters
Pascual, E. 2016. Fictieve interactie [Fictive interaction]. In A. Reuneker, R.J.U. Boogaart & S.E. Lensink (eds.). Aries Netwerk: Een constructicon. Leiden: Leiden University, 158–160. [Final draft]
Pascual, E. & L. Brandt. 2015 (by invitation). Embodied fictive interaction metaphors: The primacy of the Conversation Frame in dance discourse. In L. Hogeweg, S. Lestrade & P. de Swart (eds.). Addenda: Artikelen voor Ad Foolen. Nijmegen: Radboud Repository, 321-334. [Final draft]
Poblet, M., E. Pascual, A. Roig, J. Comin & P. Casanovas. 2000. La représentation de la pluridimensionalité pragmatique des discours juridiques: Quelques problèmes [The representation of the multidimensional pragmatics of legal discourses: A few problems]. In D. Bourcier, P. Hassett & Ch. Roquilly (eds.). Droit et Intelligence Artificielle: Une Révolution de la Connaissance Juridique. Paris: Romillat, 179-190.
Conference proceedings
Pascual, E. 2007. Listening to the evidence: Fictive interaction metaphors as argumentative strategies before the American jury. In M.T. Turell, M. Spassova & J. Cicres (eds.). Proceedings of the 2nd European IAFL Conference on Forensic Linguistics / Language and the Law. Barcelona: IULA, 305-312.
Pascual, E. 2003. Interrogatives in the field: The cognitive ethnopragmatics of a murder trial. Proceedings of the 28th Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society: 451-462. [Final draft]
Pascual, E. 1999. The prosecutor’s final report with and without the Spanish jury: Interrogatives and the dialogics of orality. ICPS Working Papers 161: 1-51. [Final draft]
Pascual, E. 1998a. The counsel’s report: A cognitive sociopragmatic analysis of rhetorical questions. In J.L. Cifuentes (ed.). Estudios de Lingüística Cognitiva. Alicante: Quinta Impresión, S.L. Vol. II, 805-816.
Pascual, E. 1998b. Wh-questions and mental spaces: A pragmatic account. In I. Guillén & I. Vázquez (eds.). Perspectivas Pragmáticas de Lingüística Aplicada. Zaragoza: Enúbar Ediciones, 75-79.
Outreach journal papers
Janssen, Th.A.J.M. & E. Pascual. 2005. Doe-het-zelfsamenstellingen: De opkomst van zin-woordcombinaties [Do-it-yourself compounds: The emergence of sentence-word combinations]. Onze Taal 74(5): 112-114. [Final draft] [Review]
Het mysterie van taal [The Mystery of Language] (children’s book for Theo Janssen, on his retirement) [Pdf.]